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  • elbo3249

Artist Bio

My name is Elise Born and art has been part of my life ever since I can remember. When I was younger, I always loved to watch my grandfather paint. I begged him to teach me how to use watercolors and I've been in love with art ever since.

My grandfather is a very talented and accomplished artist and I wouldn't be where I am today without him. That being said, over the years I've began to establish my own style and techniques as an artist. I have explored many different avenues of art such as drawing, sculpture, ceramics and various types of painting. Recently, my attention has been devoted to the digital art realm, particularly the art of animation. I love how animation allows people to view the world with unlimited creativity.

The concept of animation and cartoons has always been very appealing to me. I feel like animation reminds us not to take life too seriously and it encourages us to have fun with art.

I also feel like animation as an art form has been overlooked in the past, but that seems to be changing as we move towards a society that is becoming more and more captivated by technology.

Aside from the more lighthearted aspects of creativity, I also turn towards art to make sense of things that are hard to put into words. Art does an amazing job at capturing specific emotions and feelings and I tend to make my art expressive and meaningful. Art helps me explore complex emotions and it has guided me through some of the darkest times in my life. I think the process of creating art can actually be a lot more beneficial than the actual finished product. It can be helpful to lose yourself in your work and not have to worry about outside problems, even if it is just for a little bit. I think that art also gives people a sense of purpose and something to work towards. We all want to make our mark on the world and art has a way of connecting people in a very special way. That is why I aspire to create art that others can find enjoyment in. Life can be really difficult and challenging so if I could create something that resonates with others and makes them happy, then I would be more than thrilled. Art has helped me so much throughout my life and I want to do the same for someone else.

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